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Lawren Harris

Lawren Harris (1885 - 1970), Canadian Artist from The Group of Seven 

Lawren Harris, a member of The Group of Seven, was born in Brantford, Ontario. He made important contributions in ideas as well as financial support for the group. His subjects are mainly Canadian landscapes and sceneries around Toronto. Harris, along with his team mate, A.Y.Jackson, travelled to Lake's Superior's North Shore in 1921 and was captivated by its monumental landscape since. In the next seven years, he continued to return to the area and developed the artistic style that he was best known for- a distinct abstract style which was characterized by rich, bright colours, simple curves and minimal details. His mountains and trees often appear as if they were sculptures. In 1940, Harris moved to Vancouver and settled there. He died at the age of 84 and was buried on the grounds of the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, where some of his work are now held.


"Art is long. Life is short. A picture can become for us a highway between a particular thing and a universal feeling."

Collections by Lawren Harris

  • Lawren Harris Mount Lefroy Artist Hardcover Journal - Oscardo

    Lawren Harris Mount Lefroy Artist Hardcover Journal

    $17.00 CAD

    Mount Lefroy by Lawren Harris (1885-1970), a member of The Group of Seven.  Artist journals are 12 cm x 17 cm, with 120 sheets of lined pages. 

    $17.00 CAD
  • Lawren Harris Mount Lefroy Metallic Magnet - Oscardo

    Lawren Harris Mount Lefroy Metallic Magnet

    $7.00 CAD

    Mount Lefroy by Lawren Harris (1885-1970), a member of The Group of Seven.  (L: 9 cm - W: 7,8 cm) (Wholesale: Magnets are sold in multiples of 6).

    $7.00 CAD